Giffoni Film Festival Albania in Durres

03/11/2011 16:40

After Shkoder, the 7th Giffoni Film Festival Albania has arrived in
Durres, where the films for children will be shown at the “Aleksander
Moisiu” Culture Palace.

There are three films for the category “Free to Fly” and three others for “Y Generation”.

The films treat different social problems, starting from the social integration and racism, but they also bring interesting adventures for the age.

Different to the other years, the organizers have thought to select the spectators from children from schools and high schools in the towns where the festival travels to. The children will see all the films and will vote the best.

Their vote will be attached to the voting that will be made in Tirana, for the winners of this edition in both categories.

The festival in Durres opened with the US film “People of Snow”, from the director Robert Kirbyson, who was aspired by a true story that displays the children’s desire to become famous and the value of true friendship in front of fame.

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