For analyst Eamonn Butler, Britain’s exit from the European Union turns
Germany into the strongest advocate of Balkan. He says the region will
have a key importance for the United Kingdom too, even after leaving the
European Union.
Foreign influences in Balkans are among the most discussed topics for experts. Norbert Mappes-Diediek, an analyst very experienced for the region, said for Deutsche Welle that if EU withdraws from Balkan, there could be serious consequences for the entire Europe.
“EU has been the only alternative of smaller countries that don’t go very well with each other”, he argues, and that’s why the EU perspective has played a great role to keep peace in a very conflicted region.
The Southeastern Europe expert doesn’t see Russia taking a significant role in the region. “Moscow has not much to offer, besides energy. Russia would be taking an unnecessary burden by carrying a role played by the EU so far. But Russians could use any moment to make the situation more difficult”, he says.
Niediek is convinced that the perspective for joining the European Union has had a great role in keeping fire out of regional conflicts. For Mappes-Diediek, the real “gunpowder barrel” is not Balkan, but Europe. Balkan is the fuse that may take fire at any moment.
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