The German Press has paid special attention to the developments in Balkan. Germany does not support a territory exchange between Kosovo and Serbia.
“Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” asys that Serbia and Kosovo are talking about territory exchange, and some of the partners see the proposition with some kind of restraint, but there is resistance from the German chancellor.
The German newspaper said that Merkel’s comment that the borders of Western Balkan will not change may have come as an ugly surprise to Serbia, which has honored her for a long time. Hahn, on the other hand, is hoping for a historic moment in the relations between both countries.
However, the newspaper quotes Wolfgang Ischinger, Director of the Security Conference in Munich, who said that this will be like opening the Pandora Box. The former Foreign Minister of Sweden, Carl Bildt, has said for Washington Post that playing with borders in Balkan was dangerous in the 90s, and it is still dangerous today. According to him, the balkanization of Balkan is a recipe to catastrophe.
Only the Austrian Wolfgang Petristsch, special envoy for Kosovo, says with certainty that a cosmetic border correction will have no repercussions in the region.
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