In an interview for Deutsche Welle, Dietmar Nietan, Social-Democratic
Parliament Member at the Commission of Bundestag for Foreign Policy and
European Matters says that there is no special mistrust for Albania.
He relates the failure to receive the candidate status with the fact that the European Union pays special attention to the selection criteria.
“This is so that when the negotiations start, there will be no disappointments. I am certain that there are good chances for Albania to receive the candidate status this Summer, by the end of June”, Nietan declared.
When asked about what doesn’t convince Germany yet, this time that the status was closer and Albania has made great efforts for implementing the criteria, Nietan declared:
“I believe that some Foreign Ministers wanted to wait and see if the good steps taken by the Rama government would continue any further. Other things related with the delay are the constant clashes between the government and opposition during Berisha’s governance, making some of the political elites pay more attention to themselves than the European Union integration. I see a good perspective in Rama’s governance. I am not a foreign minister and personally I would have taken another decision, but I want to guarantee the Albanian people for the support and I hope that Albania will receive the candidate status next year”, Nietan declared.
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