German newspaper: “Early elections in Kosovo would put EU plans at risk”

08/08/2017 00:00

The German Daily newspaper “Tageszeitung” treats the political crisis in
Kosovo, where no government has been formed six months after the

The newspaper quotes some observers of Balkan, who say that Kosovo might face elections once again. However, political parties will meet this Wednesday and will discuss how to resolve the crisis, focusing especially on the role of the Self-Determination Movement.

“The Self-Determination Movement would profit from new elections. International institutions are changing their opinion for Kurti, by not considering him a nationalistic person any longer. But if he wins, the strategy of international partners will be considered as failed, since Kurti considers the Association of Serbian Communes  similar as the division of Bosnia”, says Tageszeitung, while they underline that Serbia and Kosovo Serbs are ready to support even people they used to call “KLA war criminals” just to realize the Association of Serbian Communes.

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