German Ambassador: “Vetting Law brings investments. Albania, on the right path”

03/10/2017 00:00

Every October 3rd Germany commemorates their East and West, an event that brought a new ra for all Europe.

A ceremony was held in Tirana as well, at the German Embassy, where diplomats, politicians and many personalities considered this as a very important event not only for Germany, but for all of Europe.

“The wall that was brought down in Berlin reunited not only Germany, but also encouraged the dreams of the entire continent to live in peace, freedom and democracy. For Albanians, the unification of Germany is the start of the most inspiring project that continued as an unstoppable avalanche of courage, optimism and hope for uniting us with Europe”, Meta said.

The German Ambassador to Tirana, Susanne Schutz, reiterated the support of their country for Albania: “Albania is hiding huge economic potentials in tourism, thanks to the natural beauties and the hospitality of Albanians, which attracts always more foreigners. I want to reiterate that this sector, as many other economic sectors, has not been liberated yet. I have heard German entrepreneurs saying that before starting an investment, it is important to have the conditions improved. This is why the judiciary reform and the vetting law makes us happy. Albania is moving towards the right direction”.

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