The German Ambassador to Prishtina, Angelika Viets, said that the
political crisis in Kosovo is due to old enmities and egoisms between
political parties.
“This situation reminds me summer 2014, when there were early elections but the core of the stalemate was an older conflict, between 1999 or even earlier, with parties and individuals conserving old enmities against each other, making it more difficult to find a solution. This crisis was not resolved with the elections of 2014 or even with the recent one”, Viets declared for Deutsche Welle.
The Ambassador says parties are interested to preserve power with specific persons fearing criminal prosecution if they don’t have power.
“These egoisms are blocking the fate of Kosovo and its citizens. This is a fight for power”, she continued.
When asked if she expects the crisis to be over by Thursday, the Ambassador was skeptical.
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