German-Albanian forum, Rama: “Albania and Serbia, like France and Germany after war”

27/09/2016 00:00

The Albanian PM, Edi Rama, declared at the German-Albanian economic
forum, in presence of the former German Chancellor, that the diplomatic
and trade relations between both countries have increased significantly.

“His visit to Albania, same as the visit of Chancellor Merkel and the Foreign Minister, Steineier, show the importance that Germany gives to the relations with Albania and not only vice versa”, Rama added.

“Germany is engaged into a historic process for the region. The Berlin Summit, initiated by Chancellor Merkel, made all Balkan leaders sit for the first time not to fight about the past, but to discuss about our future and our development, such as the gas pipeline, energy corridors, infrastructure and more exchanges among our youth”, Rama said.

Rama said that what Germany and France did for Europe, could serve as an example for our region to not be more the “gunpowder barrel”, but a region of ethnic and religious harmony.

“The Kosovo-Albania power connection, and the Albania-Macedonia connection, prove that Germany is a country that turns words into acts”, the PM added.

Rama added that his government has undertaken deep structural reforms in favor of investments, including the energy market liberalization.

Former Chancellor Shroeder kept the same line, and underlined that Albania needs private investments, that’s why conditions are important. He added that Germany “is committed to assist with the urban waste and energy management”.

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