Marinzë village in Fier started the day this Wednesday morning like in a
doomsday movie scene. On yards, roads and gardens black water, mud and
gas rose from the underneath the land, exploding like fountains tenth of
meters in the air.
The explosions of natural gas in the oil-bearing area of Marinzë, Fier, forced the residents there to abandon their homes. The explosions started this Wednesday morning in the place where Bankers Petroleum company was drilling for oil.
According to the company the gas leaks are uncontrollable. Meanwhile since 06:00 in the morning they have started evacuating the residents from their homes. The police and firefighters closed down the whole place.
The explosion was followed by leaks of water and gas. In agricultural plots of land, roads, canals and house foundations the gas vents from underneath the ground.
There are over 40 smaller springs of gas and water all over the place releasing gas, yards, roads and house. The villagers reported land cave-ins in different areas.
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