Gambling ban will close 9000 jobs. 94% of citizens support it, poll shows

10/10/2018 17:58

One day after the Prime Minister declared that gambling shops and casinos will no longer be this way after January 1st, the government has published the details, which say that every shop will have to apply for a license for racing bets and other bets, and if they fail to receive it, they will be shut down.

The proposition will be voted in Parliament, and the majority has the votes to pass the Prime Minister’s initiative, which will result with the shutting down of 4000 betting shops throughout the country.

The Prime Minister reiterated the decision and said that advertising their business will also be considered illegal. He warned media outlets to not accept advertisements from gambling businesses.

As for casinos, they will be removed outside residential areas.

But what are the consequences of this decision?

According to the tax office, gambling businesses move 130 million EUR a year, most of which goes to casinos.

Last year, Albanians played 81 million EUR in casinos and 45.5 million EUR in other gambling businesses.

The government’s decision is expected to reduce these activities, especially bets, which will be only online after January 1st.

The first big consequence will be a lower budget. The government collects 40 million EUR a year from gambling taxes. This sum is expected to be smaller after January 1st.

The second consequence is unemployment. According to official data, there are 4500 betting shops in Albania, which must have at least two people employed. 9000 people will be without a job after January 1st.

However, these effects could be insignificant compared to the severe social issues that the uncontrolled presence of this industry has caused to the people.

The decision was welcomed by the public as well. A poll made by Top Channel showed that 94% of the citizens support the initiative.

Top Channel