A few hours after reporting at Parliament, the Governor of the Bank of
Albania, Ardian Fullani, declared that the robbery of the Central Bank
is a very serious crime and those who are responsible will answer for
“The inspection system has not failed. Naturally, this is a very serious event that makes all of us responsible. We are finding our responsibilities. It is important that there are no legal violations by the Supervisory Council and by the administrators. The entire legislative and regulative set is complete and guarantees administration based on all laws of the Bank and of our country. What failed here was the human element, which will be punished according to the law”, Fullani declared.
The Governor said that despite the huge proportions, this event doesn’t damage the reputation earned by the institution he leads.
“The reputation earned through the years by the Bank of Albania, since its foundation, is that of a solid institution with a well prepared staff, which has also had bad elements that exist everywhere, but it will never damage the name, the reputation, the solid activity of the Bank, of the Supervisory Council, of the Governor, the Administrator and its structures”, Fullani declared.
The Governor said that the institution he leads is cooperating with the Prosecution, and they will take measures so that this doesn’t happen in the future.
Bank of Albania: Stimulating policies are needed
Fullani: There is some economic growth, but there are still risks
The Governor presented the periodic report of Bank of Albania, which has some signs of recovery for the economy but that still needs to face risks.
“The sources of this growth are not stable yet. The Albanian economy is very sensitive to the hits that are coming from the offer. Our predictions are conditioned by the following of programmed courses of macroeconomic policies that need to keep being more careful in placing balance between the short-term stimulus and the mid-term and long-term balances. The economic growth will depend on the acceleration of the structural reform in the macro and microeconomic levels”, declared Ardian Fullani, Governor of the Bank of Albania.
The Supervisory Council of Bank of Albania decided to keep the basic interest rate unchanged at 2.5%.
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