Fuels quality control in concession

22/10/2011 08:10

A government decision that was not published on the official web page of
the Council of Ministers is expected to give in concession the service
of fuel quality control, after a foreign company made an
“unbidden proposition”, according to the daily newspaper “Shqip”.

The government decision no.609 was approved on the government meeting of August 24th, but it was not published on the web page as all other government decisions, while it appeared on the Official Register a few days ago.

“The contracting authority for the legal procedure of giving in concession the service of marking and monitoring the fuels that enter the Republic of Albania, is the Ministry of Finances”, says the decision, which gives to the company “Global Fluids International” a 6% bonus in a formal tender that is usually held in these cases, before the company is officially declared as winner.

Until now, the fuel quality control has been made by the Central Technical Inspectorate, an institution dependant to the Ministry of Economy, which is led by the Socialist Movement for Integration. But this time, the government decision is not giving this concession to the Ministry of their ally, the Socialist Movement for Integration, but to the Ministry of Finances.

Unbidden concessions

Such businesses start when a businessman identifies an opportunity to offer a service to the government, although the latter has not asked for it. The Company enters a formal tender which, in theory, should be held with other interested companies, but the first one always wins.

The privatization of the Central Technical Inspectorate was announced by one of the Prime Minister’s advisers. The decision was taken only a few days after.

The Company “Global Fluids International” is an Austrian Company listed in the stock market as a penny stock company. According to its web page, they operate in Uganda, Mexico and Europe.

The government has not published any analyze about the situation of the oil quality control sector and the benefits or possible costs that would be caused by this privatization.

Privatized state

The Albanian government has privatized through unbidden concessions other important services, such as the service for producing passports and identity cards, that of producing fiscal stamps and the vehicle technical control service.

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