From Gaza, Palestinian Abdalla Jaber with his Albanian family tells about the nightmare of war

11/10/2023 15:51

This footage from Gaza commented in Albanian, was filmed today by the Palestinian Abdalla Jaber, for whom Albania is a second homeland as he has been living and working in Tirana for 30 years, where he created his family after marrying an Albanian woman.

In an interview for Top Channel, Abdalla brings evidence from Gaza, where he is currently located.

Abdalla Jaber: I was here for a visit as I stay longer in Albania. We came with the kids for vacation before they went back to school. I had planned to return to Albania yesterday, but the war started a few days ago. It is a very very difficult situation this time, unlike the three or four previous wars between Gaza and Israel. This time it is very heavy as F16 jets hit Gaza non-stop day and night. People have no place to go. My house is completely damaged. I came to my sister’s house where my uncles also came. Today, no place in Gaza is safe as a result of Israel’s attacks.

Abdalla shows the efforts to get out of this war alive.

Abdalla Jaber: It’s not safe even here at my sister’s house. It is full of children, full of old people, sick people who cannot move. There is no protection of any kind, if a bomb falls here or near we will all die. We are staying with each other, maybe we will all die together.

Abdalla Jaber: Here where I am, a complex with more than 120 houses was wiped out by the bombing of F16 planes. My house, which is in the Betlaja area, was hit yesterday. The neighbor and many houses here were damaged along with my house. This is the situation in Gaza. They throw weapons as if they can beat a small bird with a tank.

Abdalla Jaber is asked if he has started trying to leave Gaza.

Abdalla Jaber: I went to the border point between Egypt and Gaza to get out of Gaza and I saw only death on the road. When we got there I saw people gathering and a plane came dropping bombs on the crossing gate between Egypt and Palestine.

Abdalla Jaber: I have my wife and children with me. My wife is from Korça, the little ones were all born in Albania. I have only one son who is currently in Tirana. The other two are here and my wife. I can’t take my wife and children and leave, leaving my mother here. I can’t take my mom and leave here, or take my sister and leave.

When Abdalla Jaber is asked about Israel’s oath to flatten Gaza, he answers by drawing parallels between Palestine and Kosovo.

Abdalla Jaber: Not only Abdalla but all of us 2 million Palestinians who are in Gaza today pray to God because the world is witnessing this prison where for 16 years people have been inside, they are not allowed to leave and return. The world is pretending not to do anything. I and 2 million Palestinians are asking the world to stop the war and this violence as soon as possible. For us Palestinians, it is the same as the Kosovo issue. Albanians know very well the problem of Kosovo. We are now like the Kosovars.

Muhamed Veliu: What do you make of the actions of Hamas as right by entering the homes of Israelis and killing them without even sparing children?

Abdalla Jaber: I don’t understand why planes come and hit people here, civilians. Why do they hit here? Today, Hamas has published a video saying they have crossed the border with Israel and are inside there. Go and catch them there. Why Gaza? Run, catch them there and kill them. What are you doing bombing in Gaza day and night?

Abdalla Jaber: There is no right in a person to kill children and no point in entering another’s house. I do not give anyone from Hamas or Israel the right to kill civilians. This is a crime. Whoever killed children is a criminal. Here in Gaza we are watching day and night how children are being killed. Hamas has no right to kill children just as Israel has no right to kill us.

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