French Ambassador: Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam

08/01/2015 00:00

The French Ambassador to Tirana, Bernard Fitoussi, condemned the attack
against the Charlie Hebdo magazine, considering it an attack against the
freedom of speech and against the Western Values.

The French diplomat says for Top Channel that the best response to the extremists is the unity between free nations, solidarity and punishment.

He says that every free nation should feel threatened after this. Europe must learn from Albania about how people can live in religious and cultural peace.

Top Channel: Mr.Ambassador, we witnessed yesterday a barbarian act. Would you consider this an attack against the media and the western values?

Bernard Fitoussi: The target of this attack was the freedom of speech, the values that European have today. This is not an attack against France, but against humanity, by people that have no humanitarian senses regarding the European values.

Top Channel: After this event, analysts are discussing if prophets or religious leaders should be used for satire.

Bernard Fitoussi: “Charlie Hebdo” took its name from “Harakiri Hebdo”. This magazine has a 60-year history. This magazine has used its satire to defend the freedom of speech. In France there is no limit for the freedom of speech. The people who killed our journalist friends tried to impose it to us. They wanted to kill our freedom of thinking. That was an attack against our freedoms.

Top Channel: Yesterday’s attack showed that the threat is present not only in France, but also in Europe and wide. What is the lesson that Europe should take after this?

Bernard Fitoussi: What we are learning from this is the fact that we have a powerful weapon against terrorism. The first weapon is unity among us. The second is justice, including police. The third weapon is international solidarity, the European one, in this case.

Top Channel: Do you think that there will be more prejudice against muslims?

Bernard Fitoussi: I will answer to this with an anecdote. An old man came at the homage that we paid at the Pyramid, and said: “Sir, I am Muslim. I am shocked and solidary”. This shows everything, that it is impossible to have a generalization in this issue. Terrorists or criminals are not Muslims, Christians, Jewish or free thinkers. They are terrorists and criminals. It would be stupid to mix religious groups.

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