The latest report of “Freedom House”, titled “Freedom Around the World in 2018”, says that democracy is shrinking around the world.
The NGO with its HQ in Washington lists Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro as partially free countries, while Serbia and Croatia as free.
“Democracy is facing the worst crisis in decades”, said the Freedom House President, Michael Abramoëitz.
The report says that 2017 has been the 12th consequent year facing a drop in global freedom. Syria, Southern Sudan, Eritrea, Northern Korea and Turkmenistan make the bottom of the list.
88 countries out of 195 are listed as free, 59 partially free and 49 not free.
The USA, known as a champion of democracy, has weakened its freedom position, a position that was complicated by the investigations for Russian intervention in the Elections of 2016.
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