Freedom House reacts after Albania’s Presidency declaration: “We are not a political organization”

11/04/2018 21:37

Freedom House reacted this Wednesday after the Albanian Presidency spoke about the report published by the organization.

Contacted by the Voice of America, the Communication Director in this organization underlined that Freedom House is a non-party institution, and their conclusion represents only the studies they conduct on their own.

“We encourage all parties to read the entire report, which includes detailed concerns about corruption and the capturing of the Albanian state by political actors; about the slow progress in creating institutions that are necessary for fighting the war against corruption; and about an insufficient framework to guarantee the independence of these institutions. Freedom House is an institution that is not related to parties, and our conclusions only represent the studies we conduct on our own”.

In their annual report, the organization said that the fight against corruption took a serious hit with the appointing of Ilir Meta as President, who is seen by many Albanians as the symbol of corruption.

The Spokesperson of President Ilir Meta, Tedi Blushi, reacted and expressed regret how this report is misused in function of political agendas.

“If Freedom House really wants to shed light on corruption in Albania, they should investigate impartially who has influenced and ordered this deformation of facts in this report, and that’s where they will find concrete symbols of national ad international corruption”, the Spokesperson said.

Tedi Blushi wrote that this report not only deforms the truth, but it attempts to create artificial focuses.

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