“Freedom House”: Media in Albania, partially free

01/05/2012 09:35

Freedom house has published the annual civil rights and political rights
report for the world in 2011, mentioning the effect of the Arabian
Spring in several countries.

By analyzing the developments in Central and Eastern Europe, the report says that the economic crisis in these countries has had a direct impact and has created problems with the functionality of democracy.

Albania is included in the list of countries where these rights have decreased in 2011. This is the explanation of the report for why these countries have had decreased political and civil rights.

“Freedom has decreased in Albania after the murder of the opposition protesters on January, the polarization of the electoral mechanism during the May local elections and the failures of courts to be impartial in a corruptive case that involved a high rank government politician”, the report says.

Albania is considered as a country with partial freedom. The political and civil rights are valued with three points. According to Freedom House, our country is ranked at the 107th spot, from 197 countries of the world.

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