Every woman can make a free breast examination for preventing breast
cancer at the Tirana University Hospital Center, which has made
available two cabinets.
“The cabinets are open from 14:00 to 20:00. Every patient can make an examination by simply showing an ID. We need to raise awareness for preventing breast cancer, which is better than curing and in some phases it is even life saving”, says Ogerta Manastirliu, Director of the TUHC.
Mammographies are made at this hospital for free only during this period of time. The hospital makes 20 mammographies and echographies each day for free, besides patients that arrive based on a reference system.
The Director of the Hospital, in cooperation with the Education Directory, have agreed to test all female teachers in Tirana. The breast cancer figures are increasing in Albania, based on the national register of tumoral diseases.
“The last figures are 443 new cases of breast cancer in Albania. It is the highest figure. This number has doubled”, says Ferdinan Jorgoni.
There are more than 1000 new cases at the Oncology, with cures, surgeries, chemio-therapy and other things. For preventing this disease, the Health Ministry has made available mobile mammography equipments for women in rural areas.
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