Founder of Top Media, Dritan Hoxha, is honored with the title of “Grand Master” by President Begaj

28/12/2023 16:03

The founder of Top Channel and Top Media group, the late Dritan Hoxha, has been decorated with the title of “Grand Master” by the Albanian President, Bajram Begaj.

This tribute from the head of state went to the visionary who transformed the visual media in Albania, 15 years after his death. Begaj called the founder of Top Media, an “unwavering dreamer and visionary, courageous in creativity, innovative and passionate”.

Appreciating Top Channel as the television that had been missing, Begaj recalls the first years of the rise of Albanian television.

“Dear family members of the Hoxha family, Dear journalists and employees of the Top Channel media, Dear participants! Today I have the pleasure to honor with the title of Grand Master, one of the most popular figures of the Albanian visual media, Mr. Dritan Hoxha. The man who worked day and night to realize the project of his life, he deserved the new nickname by which he was known as Tani i Topit. His example is an indication of how private enterprise is transformed into a public good, and how Albanians can succeed in their own country as well”, said Begaj.

In the ceremony leader of Top Channel, Dritan’s daughter, Lori Hoxha, expressed in her speech with strong conviction that the values that Top Media has been conveying for years, will be fanatically preserved, with honor and responsibility.

“On behalf of myself and the whole family, I wanted to thank Mr. President for the honor and appreciation given to my father today. It is a great happiness for us that today, 15 years after his departing, he is kept alive by his works and by the impact he had on the lives of every Albanian. I am grateful for that, as much as every Albanian should be”, said Lori Hoxha.

“The media that today fights the unequal game of competition for audience as Top Channel broadcasts the Albanian language aboroad in its Digitalb platform, is a national value that conveys the Albanian language of every Albanian. I am happy that Top Channel now has as a standard, the limits it set, that we will only have to maintain and adapt.

“I go out today with my head held high and accept the medals precisely because Tani remained stoic and knew when to fight and when to retreat. For me, Dritan Hoxha’s most important work is his family and I have the honor and responsibility to represent him and his honor. May his memory be unforgettable for Albanians, as it is for us. For the few years he lived, he gave his family a lot of light. Thank you, thank you, Mr. President”, were the words of thanks of Top Channel head Lori Hoxha.

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