The Supreme Court of Romania ruled in favor of the four year sentence in
prison of the former Prime Minister, Adrian Nastese, who was found
guilty over corruption charges.
Nastase was found guilty also for blackmail, and was sentenced to three other years in prison that were merged within the first sentence.
During the process, the court was able to prove that Nastase used state funds to buy Chinese goods mounting up to 630.000 EUR for his private assets from 2001 to 2004. His wife, Dana Nastase, was also sentenced to three years in prison, but it will turn in probation.
Adrian Nastase survived a murder attempt in 2012, when he was sentenced to two years in prison in a parallel process. From the former sentence over bribe charges, the former Prime Minister served only 10 months and was released on probation for the remaining time.
Romania joined the European Union in 2007, but remains under special observation from Brussels, due to the
Rumania iu bashkua Bashkimit Europian në vitin 2007, por mbetet nën një mbikqyrje të veçantë nga Brukseli, për shkak të nivelit të lartë të korrupsionit në nivelet më të larta të shtetit. / Top Channel
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