Former president Meta questioned by prosecutors about the CEZ-DIA case: I reported as a person who may have knowledge, but have nothing to do with it

22/02/2023 16:09

The SPAK anti-corruption prosecution interrogated former president Ilir Meta, current chairman of the opposition Freedom Party (PL), who for more than three hours gave explanations about the CEZ-DIA corruption file that continues to be open and endangers former high-ranking Albanian officials.

But the case of the 5 million-euro damages against the Albanian state has so far produced only one convict which is Kastriot Ismaili, who has just submitted to the Court of Fier a request to be released.

Confronted with the special prosecutors, Ilir Meta said that it is important to “maintain calm as always”.

He said: “I had an invitation to come to the prosecutor’s office for a case in 2019, as far as I understood fed open sources, portals, a case that is not important for me to clarify. I have told you and the Albanians that I hoped that SPAK prosecution would be a leading institution in the fight against corruption, and whenever I was invited, I did it as I would gladly come to help. But this is a repeated one which is activated every time ‘Rilindja’ (SP in power) is in crisis, but anyway I am here to show my behavior as a citizen, my model of transparency and the fact that every citizen is involved in politics.

“I was called as a testimony who may have knowledge of certain circumstances”.

Meta was reportedly also been asked about Elvis Mata, a former director of DIA, the company that had to collect old debts on behalf of the former electricity distribution company CEZ.


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