Former political prisoners living in difficult conditions

01/09/2016 00:00

After Top Channel’s report for a group of former political prisoners
living in miserable conditions in Golem, Durres, respective government
structures were put in motion, but Top Channel has found out that there
are others like them even in Tirana.

The Ministry of Social Welfare established a working group. Bilal Kola, Head of the Political Prisoners Institution, visited the 17 families and said the Kavaja Municipality needs to shelter them in decent homes, but the central government should also act

Other groups like them have been spread in dormitories, where they live with the fear they will be moved again. The Tirana Mayor has declared to free all students spaces occupied by families, by inviting them to apply for social homes and soft loans.

He gave an ultimatum for freeing dormitories, which finds these residents unprepared, unable to afford any movement.

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