Former OSCE representative compares Vucic to Miloshevic for trying to deny the Recak massacre

15/01/2020 19:07

For the former OSCE representative in Kosovo, William Walker, the denial of the Recak Massacre by the Serbian President, Alexandar Vucic, took him back in time when he heard the same thing from the mouth of the Balkan butcher, Slobodna Miloshevic.

On the 21st anniversary of one of the biggest massacres in Kosovo, Walker said that he is back to the site, to confirm once again that Recak was not a lie.

“The world knows that the Recak massacre took place. 40 persons from a small and unprotected village were slaughtered.

“Serbian military men, under the command of Slobodan Miloshevic, carried out a war crime.

“When people ask me how I reacted about the fact that President Vucic called me a liar, I tell them that I am hearing once again the words of Miloshevic.

“I am not worried by what Vucic says about me, but I think it is worrying that he is 20 years back in the past, by denying this way what happened on January 15th, 1999”, said the former OSCE representative in Kosovo, William Walker.

Different from other years, this anniversary ceremony was also attended by a Serbian politician.

The leader of the Serbian Republicans, Nikola Sandulovic, declared that the reality will not change in Serbia for as long as the current political class is led by successors of Miloshevic’s regime.

“Serbia and Kosovo must find ways to live in peace. Alexander Vucic and Ivica Dacic are the ones that are blocking the solution, because they are successors of Miloshevic’s system.

“I must say that by calling Mr.Walker a liar, they have committed another crime. Speaking with such disdain about this act that took place 20 years ago is just like committing another crime. You must know that there are people in Serbia who think like me”, said Sandulovic, leader of the Serbian Republican Party.

The chairman of the Kosovo Republicans, Faton Kurtoi, said that Serbia is trying to change history more than ever before.

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