Former Kavaja Mayor lawyers request Constitutional Court to repeal Decriminalization Law

09/01/2017 00:00

The Constitutional Court is facing another challenge, with the former
Mayor of Kavaja, Elvis Rroshi, whose lawyers are filing a complaint
against the decriminalization law, which had him removed from his duty.

Lawyer Theodhori Sollaku explained that the law should be repealed, because it denies the right to be elected, which makes it unconstitutional, according to him.

“We don’t know if there will be pressures or threats, but we hope that the Constitutional Court will be professional enough to base its verdict on the Constitution.

The decriminalization law was approved two years ago after a difficult agreement between the government and the opposition, with international intermediation, after the Democratic Party boycotted the Parliament for around six months. So far, the DP has mentioned the implementation of this law as a main condition for the elections of June.

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