Former DIA legal representative: “CEZ-DIA agreement was a fraud”

16/09/2016 00:00

Kastriot Ismailaj did everything possible to stop his company’s legal
representative from testifying at his court. But Judges resisted and the
witness has spoken, putting the former Administrator in a more
difficult position.

The witness said that the agreement was a fraud from the very beginning. He spoke about other fraudulent agreements regarding the collection of CEZ debts.

The witness under protection, Romeo Karaj, accused Kastriot Ismailaj of presenting DIA as a company partnered with a US company. When this fact was discovered by the legal studios in Vienna, Ismailaj started having his legal troubles.

The witness says that Ismailaj started denying to have declared partnership with US companies, and he even started threatening the former Administrator of DIA< Elvis Mataj, asking him to deny that he had presented DIA as a US partnered company.

As for the money collected from energy debtors, the witness said they were not accounted correctly. As for the Arbitration trial, the witness refused to speak.

After Romeo Karaj, Elvis Mataj is also expected to speak, also under protection by the government.

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