The Democratic MP, Mesila Dode, appeared for the second time with the
leader of the Party for Justice, Integration and Unity, Shpetim idrizi.
The Democratic Party MP declared that this day requires understanding and should not give any other message besides the cause of the students of this December.
Mesila Doda: “I haven’t passed with the PJIU or any other political party. I am still one of the members of the Student Movement, and I keep fighting for removing communism from Albania. Don’t spread news that cause damage.
Top Channel: You weren’t present today in one activity held by the Democratic Party:
Mesila Doda: Ask them who they have invited. I got no invitation. I even asked for other MPs and they said the same thing. I would have gone there if I was invited.
The Democratic Party MP launched some other initiatives in Parliament, since her party remains in boycott.
After the Lustration Law, which, she said will be signed by other MPs of her political group, although she mentioned only Dashamir Shehu, Doda said that they will make a request to change the law for political parties, in order to free them from extremism.
“We cannot tolerate the creation of a new dictatorship. We have people who used to be members of the Political Bureau, members of the former Central Committee, who are honored today as heroes. This period must end, together with the fake heroes of these years, who keep holding the same ideolog and psychology that is related to the cult of egoism, individuals and that have brought only problems in the politics of Albania. They are suffocating the Albanian citizens with corruption, crime and clientelism”, Doda declared.
“The Albanian society has not been able to divide itself from the past, not only in mentality, but also in appearance. I do not think that it was by chance what we saw this year. What we had left behind appeared in the most absurd way, by violating the dignity of the Albanians and all the thousands of people who were killed, prosecuted and imprisoned”, Idrizi declared.
Former members of the Democratic Party also joined the meeting of the Student Movement of December, such as Mark Marku, Gazmend Oketa.
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