Former American president visits Albania, PM Rama: Always loyal to the Clinton spirit and method

03/07/2023 20:57

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, during a joint conference with former American President Bill Clinton who visited Albania today, declared that he ushered in a new era of partnership with the USA.

This is why Rama added, that Albania will always be loyal to the Clinton spirit and method.

“In support of Albania, President Clinton opened the new era of strategic partnership with the USA. He also sent his ambassadors to our country, who accompanied us with devotion, but again President Clinton was the point of reference.

“Dear Mr. President, we in Albania don’t get along with each other easily, maybe not in America either, but I’m talking about opurselves. It is certain that we may not even agree on what you said. You will not find a consensus as big as in Albania. I say this with objective proof.

“While Albania, I am happy to tell you, is always loyal to the Clinton spirit and method. Albania is the most pro-American country that can be found today. You are the most pro-Albanian president we could find in America”, declared the Prime Minister among other things.

The former American president, Bill Clinton, visited Albanian land for the first time today, and will stay tomorrow, July 4, which coincides with the independence of the USA. Clinton was received with a special official ceremony on the “Martyrs of the Nation” Boulevard.

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