Forests damaged in Karaburun

03/11/2011 16:40

The forest area of the Karaburun Penisula has been damaged by people who
cut “valanidhi” trees, an industrial wood that according to the Forest
Police is used for the leather industry, but currently it is being used
only for heat.

In the area there are many piles of cut logs, waiting transportation to the only road that goes through the Marine Military Base of Orikum.

The head of Vlore Forest Police, Xhoxhi Hoxhara, admits the responsibility and promises to make inspections for finding the people who have damaged the forests.

“The area inspector was fired 2-3 months ago and has been replaced by an incompetent person, with a very different professional profile from the one that is required for that job.  This is why it has been very difficult for him to perform the inspections. We are responsible for everything that happens with the forests, but we have not been aware about this. We will make further inspections after this information and we promise that everyone will take the deserved responsibilities”, he declared.

Forest damages in Vlore have not been rare, and there have also been criminal prosecution against violators.

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