Foreign Minister Bushati: “Trustful that Trump will keep the US commitment with Albania”

20/01/2017 00:00

The Foreign Minister of Albania, Ditmir Bushati, hopes that the new
Trump administration will conitnue its commitment in Albania, as the
only guarantee to intensify the Euro-Atlantic path of the region.

Bushati thanked the current State Secretary, John Kerry, for the dedication shown so far to Albania.

“I want to cordially thank the outgoing US State Secretary, John Kerry, for  the dedication shown in strengthening the strategic partnership between the USA and Albania. I also thank the administration of President Barack Obama for consolidating the democratization processes and for improving security in Southeastern Europe. I am hopeful that the new Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, and the administration of President Donald J. Trump will continue the American commitment to this part of Europe, as the only guarantee to keep intensifying the Euro-Atlantic path of our region”, Minister Bushati said.

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