The two grippe viruses, AH3N2 and AH1N1, also known as the American Flu
and the Swine Flu, have increased the number of patients in our country.
19 people have been officially affected by the swine flu.
The Health Center no.8 in Tirana, which covers a huge number of the population, has 40 patients each day with flu symptoms.
“There is an increase of the flu cases, due to the seasonal changes. We have patients with fever, sore throat and other signs.. There are also complications like bronchitis, bronco pneumonia and other diseases. Young kids and senior citizens are more affected, since their immunity is weak”, says pathologue Alfred Lulo.
Flu symptoms in this season vary from the soft ones to severe complications. Doctors appeal that a visit at the doctor should not be neglected even with early signs, especially for young kids, senior citizens or chronical patients.
Doctors say that antibiotics should not be used as an easy way to lower temperature, or even other medicaments that are suggested only by pharmacists.
“Albanians leave the visit to doctors last, but we should go there on time. Doctors might differentiate if it is a simple flu or a complication, and the help would be faster, more efficient and better. Antibiotics are given only in cases when doctors think it is reasonable. Ibuprofen is used on young children, paracetamol on adults. Antibiotics will be taken only in cases of complications”, doctor says.
The infective hospital has 40 cases each day, 14 of which are in serious conditions, and one is a medic who is undergoing an intensive therapy. 125 people have been diagnosed in Albania with severe respiratory problems, eight of which with the grippe virus.
Since there are 16.500 patients every week, the flu situation can be considered an epidemics. Specialists consider it an unusual situation that is still not alarming, otherwise they would have asked closing schools and other public places.
Nisur nga numri prej 16 500 pacientesh ne jave, situata gripale mund te konsiderohet epidemi, nderkohe specialistet e konsiderojne nje situate jo e pazakonte, e cila nuk eshte alarmante, pasi ne rast te kundert do te kerkoje mbylljen e shkollave apo vendeve te tjera publike.
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