Florije’s case investigations to be held in Austria

18/02/2013 00:00

The Tirana Prosecution will issue an order to seize the medical card at
Tirana’s “Mbreteresha Geraldina” Maternity, for the investigations of
Florije Peci’s case, the pregnant 22-year-old woman who claims that she
has been sexually abused during her hospitalization in Austria, when she
was in an unstable state of mind.

The student from a Librazhd village will be interrogated with the help of a psychiatrist, due to her mental problems. The police secured the TIMS system data, which shows the travels of the woman from Albania to Austria.

According to these data, the girl was sent to Austria for a more specialized treatment in coma, a few days after the bus accident of 21 May 2012 that took more than a dozen of lives, and returned on 11 October.

But for the prosecution, the first step is to confirm the medical card for her pregnancy. They need to know if the child was conceived during her hospitalization in Austria.

Albi Serani, Spokesperson for the Prosecutor General, declared that the Tirana Prosecution is holding intensive investigations for Peci’s case. They will communicate with Florije’s brother and 10 other people. They are requesting detailed information from the hospital to find the exact period of the conception and her whereabouts during that time.

Prosecution sources say for Top Channel that although it has been proved that the child was conceived in Austria, the Criminal Code ties their hands since the investigations can be conducted only by Austrian authorities.

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