As expected, today’s parliamentary session was about the flooded areas.
The opposition asked the Prime Minister to be present in this session
and accused him of being irresponsible.
The Democratic Prty MPs said that the government is not declaring the Emergency Situation for not being forced to compensate citizens at 100%.
The MPs of the majority reacted by reminding the Democratic Party that when in government, they declared the Emergency Situation three times in total, and they never compensated citizens.
The Socialist MP, Erion Brace, declared that the same situation was created in the same area 10 yeas ago, and the government didn’t declare any emergency situation or give any compensations.
The former Prime Minister and former Democratic Party leader, Sali Berisha, proposed to vote an amend that would force a complete compensation.
Brace accused Berisha of using 111 million ALL from the government budget for buying a super-luxury armored vehicle, and added that he should sell his shop in Tirana’s downtown and use the money of those luxury products for helping the residents of Levan and Novosela.
Berisha answered by saying that the expensive vehicle was not purchased for the Prime Minister, but for the foreign visitors.
The Minister of Interior, Saimir Tahiri, accused the former government of never compensating the flood victims in Shkoder or anywhere in Albania.
The Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati, declared that the government made a request for support at the EU, and that they are discussing with international donators, following the cases of Bosnia Herzegovina and Serbia.
The former Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, declared that the Euro-Atlantic Coordination Center against Disasters had offered help and the Ministry of Interior had refused it with the answer: “We will die of hunger and we will not seek help”.
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