Fleckenstein: “We’re waiting the start the accession negotiations. Protests won’t influence result”

05/04/2018 13:55

The EU rapporteur for Albania, Knut Fleckenstein, declared in a meeting with journalists in Tirana that he expects a clear and unconditioned recommendation from the EU for opening the accession negotiations with Albania.

“We are waiting for the Commission’s report. It is a very important semester. The Sophia Summit must be concluded with very concrete elements. We will wait for the meeting of the European Council until June. We expect a clear and unconditioned recommendation for opening the negotiations for Albania”, Fleckenstein declared.

When asked about the Nation’s Road protest, Fleckenstein said it cannot influence the final report, since protests are a democratic means.

“I don’t want to comment the case, but no one should use violence. As I heard, the protest had its own impact because there will be new discussions on this matter. The government doesn’t always bring the right solution. Sometimes people need to show that there are limits”, Fleckenstein said in a meeting with journalists.

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