A clear and reiterated message comes from the international community,
saying that corruption remain in the center of attention. The fight
against this phenomenon should be an undisputed priority for the
The most recent voice who emphasized the need to stop corruption in our country is the German European Parliament Member, Knut Fleckenstein, member of the European Parliament for Albania and Kosovo.
In an interview for Deutsche Welle, Fleckenstein greeted the course established by the Socialist government on the European integration path, but he underlines that for a long-term success of the reforms, Albania needs good cooperation between the state and the society. This includes the right cooperation between the government and the opposition, and an efficient and qualified administration.
He sees the delay of the candidate status with regret, and says that he personally thinks that Albanian politicians and the Albanian people have the capabilities to realize the political and economic reforms, but his advise is that the failure to receive the candidate status shoul not be a reason to stop the important reforms, since stopping corruption is a key issue for the European Union.
“Fight against corruption is an important obligation of the Albanian politics to their people. This should not be understood as a list of duties that are supposed to plead the European Union institutions. On the contrary. This is related to the awareness that this initiative should reach in the Albanian public opinion, in order to legally sanction that corruption, especially in state institutions, education and the public health, is a criminal act. A crime that damages the Albanian state and society”, declared Fleckenstein, member of the European Parliament for Albania.
The German European Parliament Member adds that there are a series of institutions and NGOs that deal with this phenomenon, and that their voices are very important for the Albanian government in order to assess the success of their policy against corruption.
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