First poll for Elections 2013

15/12/2012 00:00

Six months before the general elections of 2013, Foundation Cult in Macedonia started the first pre-electoral poll.

Naim Zengu, chairman of this foundation, declared that the poll was held from December 8th to December 14th, with 1200 citizens in 100 voting centres throughout Albania.

The participants were asked about Kosovo’s and Albania’s unification, and the general elections in Albania.

To the question “if elections were held today, have you decided what party you would vote for”, 71% declared that they have decided, 9% haven’t decided, 5% aren’t sure if they will vote, 15% will not vote.

If the elections would be held today, 35% say they would vote for the SP, 29 for the DP. Although it exists for only 2 years, Kreshnik Spahiu’s Red and Black Alliances is ranked third in this poll, with 14.1%, Socialist Movement for Integration fourth, with 4.7% and Bamir Topi’s “New Democratic Spirit” is ranked fifth, with 4.1%.

As regards the national issue, Naim Cengu explains why they included it in the poll.

“After the declaration that the Albanian Prime Minister made in Skopje for the 100th anniversary of independence for a national unification, and the declaration of the Red and Black Alliance for a possible referendum, we as a foundation we as a foundation made a poll in Albania, and we will continue it in Macedonia and Kosovo, in order to see how prepared are the Albanians for national unification”, Cengu declared.

64% of the participants say that they want Albania and Kosovo to unite before joining Europe, while 25% are against.

Another question was “what party is doing a more tangible job for a unification of Albania and Kosovo”, had these answers: RBA 39%, DP 32%, SP 19%, SMI 2%, PJIU 2% and 6% say that they don’t know.

When contacted by Top Channel, the Albanian parties refused to comment this result.

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