Financial data blocked

21/08/2013 00:00

On the peak of a budget crisis, the Ministry of Finances has blocked the publishing of the government’s financial data.

Yesterday was the deadline when the Ministry should have published the data of the budget for the past seven months, which include the progress with the income, the spending and the government’s debt.

But numbers have not been published, saying that there are problems with the electronic system and there has been no official time for when it will be fixed.

The financial situation of the government has turned into a great concern for the stability of the Albanian economy, especially for international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In the first six months of this year, the budget indicators touched the legal limits programmed for the entire year. Until June the government consumed 90% of the annual internal debt and the total deficite was exhausted at more than 80%.

The legal borders of the budget and the violations are great, but has the government violated them in July. There is no information about this. The only numbers regarding the budget progres have been made public a few days ago by the Prime Minister, who spoke about a 7% increase of the revenues, but the source remains a mystery, because the Ministry of Finances, the only legal authority for the publishing of the fiscal data, says that the system is down

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