A job fair was opened in Tirana, with 5000 jobs in Telecommunication,
Banking System, Hotel-Tourism and other areas. 60 companies have offered
employment chances to unemployed youth.
The Minister of Social Welfare, Erion Veliaj, left an advise for his successor>
“A job fair with 5000 new jobs in Telecommunication, Construction, banking sector, IT etc, which are making ivnestments in infrastructure and human resources in our country. My advisen for the successor is to not continue with the “cannot” of the past eight years. This is a race with the standard that we just built with this job fair, with 10 employment offices and with the Employment Encouragement Fund. This is a race for which we must fight. This is a race with our ambition”, Minsiter veliaj declare, now a candidate for the Tirana Municipality.
Minister Veliaj underlined that the Albanian government has increased the Employment Encouragement Fund with six times in 18 months.
“We increase the fund not for the people who want to take a piece of the government’s money, but with those who have real projects to enlarge their companies. I want to invite not only those who are looking for a job, but also the businessmen of our decent government, which is still offering possibilities to employ young men, women, disabled people, members from the Roma and Egyptian communities and those who come from rural areas. Use these possibilities”, Veliaj declared.
Meta values Veliaj’s work
Present in this fair was the Albanian Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, who valued the work done by Minister Veliaj.
“Important generations are being created, which will give their results in the years to come. The assets of our country cannot be developed without professional high schools. Focusing on it will serve to the economic growth”, Meta declared.
Veliaj said that Germany has also agreed to recognize the working years of Albanian immigrants in Germany, an agreement that is being signed by Autumn.
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