Fiks Fare/ Unlicensed father and son are found selling drugs, giving medical injections in their drugs store

08/06/2023 21:15

Investigative show Fiks Fare brought tonight the case of a business that sells drugs in violation of the law, where the role of the pharmacist is played by a father and son who are not licensed for this.

Fiks Fare brought with voice and image Menduh Ferati, who sells antibiotics without a prescription and even gives injections in this premises.

He indicates that he operates on the entire area and can also inject antibiotics as needed.

The National Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices after the report said that in the inspection they found Indrit Ferati, who does not have a license and therefore was fined 2 million ALL. But what another institution such as the Order of the Pharmacist says clearly shows that that subject does not have any licensed pharmacist, nor a technical manager, a point which is necessary to exercise the activity, so it must be closed.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ferati himself, who was filmed by Fiks Fare selling drugs and giving injections, showed that they have been acting in violation of the law for 4 years.

According to him, there was a technical manager who died 4 years ago, while he adds that the owner of the pharmacy is his son, who is continuing his pharmacy studies.


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