Top Channel’s “Fiks Fare” broadcast of judiciary corruption was
discussed today in Albania’s Parliament. The Socialist Parliament
Member, Fatmir Xhafaj, stating that “Fiks Fare” has filled for the
state’s inability against corruption.
“A TV show is doing what the state seems unable to do, Top Channel’s “Fiks Fare”, with only 10 people who work in an investigative process and look at their results, an autopsy of this system, killed from corruption. We all have to painfully admit that this is the challenge of a TV< whose independence is a holy matter, and there is an entire army paid by the state whose moral is rotten. 10 people with moral,. And 1000 prosecutors, judiciary police, inspectors, property ownership officials, taxes, etc, who haven’t punished anyone for the corruption that has invaded the system”, Xhafaj said.
Referring to another investigation, Xhafaj declared that the judge in question not only wasn’t punished, but received a promotion.
“The High Council of Justice promoted a Court of Appeal judge who years ago had been punished by the High Council of Justice, after Fiks Fare reported with audio and video a severe violation. Even then, everyone was scandalized and reacted, but today they forgot about it and promoted him. Why, because he is a member of the party cellule in the judiciary, and because the cellule needs to defend the scandals made with the coastline properties”, Xhafaj declared.
Parliament Member Fatmir Xhafaj, who leads the Parliamentary Commission of Laws, did not spare critics for the High Council of Justice and President Bujar Nishani, as head of this institution.
“What values should we expect from the HCJ, when they have turned into a den of nepotism? One of the progress-report concerns is related to the fact that the HCJ appointments are made on subjective and not objective bases. They don’t value the work of judges since 2007, although they are obliged by law”, Xhafaj declared.
The Democratic Party Parliament Member, Jozefina Topalli, reacted immediately:
“The Albanian Parliament cannot offend the Head of State. There’s an article that obliges you to put him out of the room. The Albanian Parliament cannot act the President for 10 minutes, especially today when you are talking about consensus and comprehension. What’s the message that you give to Brussels”, Topalli declared.
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