The vacuum created at the Criminal Code of Albania brings a tragic and
comic situation. People who plant cannabis in their gardens receive the
same sentence as those who plant hectares of land, or who send tons of
hashish in the west.
Fiks Fare has made an investigation, showing to the public and especially to lawmakers, about the urgent need for an intervention at the Criminal Code.
High Institution leaders share the same opinion, starting from the Prosecutor General of the Prosecution of Appeal in Tirana, Shkelqim Hajdari, and the Minister of Justice himself, Nasip Naco.
“This is a very important issue and your show has shed light on several criminal activities. The narcotics issue is a national concern. We have on one hand cannabis that is cultivated and trafficked to European countries, and on the other hand we have same sentences against people who have planted very small quantities. A law amend is a necessity. I have raised this issue several times and this is tiem for the narcotics traffic to be taken seriously. We want to divide it in two categories: people who cultivate and sell it should be sentenced, and people who possesses it for personal use should have lighter sentences”, Hajdari declared.
“This is a huge concern, not only for me but for judges and prosecutors too. I can say sincerely that when I was a Prosecutor, I signed a sentence for a 18-year-old boy who was caught with a few grams of heroin, and I felt I shouldn’t do it. We didn’t know if he was a user or distributer. The Code needs amends. Drug users are often used by police for increasing statistics. The changes for these categories need to be the center of attention”, Naco declared.
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