Fiks Fare/ Albanian civil agencies accept the marriage between prisoner and Albanian woman, while both in Italy

19/09/2023 21:07

An Albanian arrested and imprisoned in Italy, in 2015 has manages to get a fictitious marriage registered in Albania.

Nevertheless the “wife” complained to Fiks Fare program that, although the case has been discovered and investigated, she is unable to get an identification document. The case was discovered in 2018, but for 5 years it has remained in the “drawer”. No measures were taken, not even the registrar who performed this marriage, wo reportedly continues to work there.

In the editorial office of Fiks Fare, Mrs. Gentiana B., who says that she cannot be provided with a means of identification in Albania, even though she admits that her marriage was fictitious.

“My name is Gentiana Beqari and I contacted the show ‘Fiks Fare’ because I have a problem in Albania with the Civil Status offices and with the prosecution. I am currently in Italy. In 2015, I got married in Civil Status No. 6 in Tirana. The marriage was fictitious, as my boyfriend was in prison. In 2017, my boyfriend tried to escape from prison (Italy). And since then, an investigation has been opened both in Albania and in Italy”, says the woman.

“In 2019, the case was transferred to the General Prosecutor’s Office in Tirana, with prosecutor Elio Mazreku. Since then my passport has been blocked and I can’t find a solution. That’s why I turned to the show ‘Fiks Fare'”, she adds.

Fiks Fare has learned that the marriage took place on 29.10.2015, where Gentiana married Mr. Ilirjan Boce. The marriage was fictitious, as both Gentiana and Ilirjani were in Italy on this date. Even Ilirjan Boçe, on the date of his marriage, 29.10.2015, was in a prison in the Italian state.

After the complaint and the information, Fiks Fare journalists went to the Civil Registry at Unit No. 6 in Kombinat, Tirana to ask why the Civil Registry was blocked for Ms. Gentiana Beqari. The employees know very well what happened, but in this case, they attribute all the “blame” to the citizen and not to the employees who allowed such a marriage to take place.

The Fiks Fare reporters went again to the two employees, who say that the problem is old and thus ‘can’t do anything’. According to them, in 2018, according to the decision of the General Directorate of Civil Status, the actions for Mrs. Gentiana B.

Journalists ask them how this fictitious marriage took place, when neither the man nor the woman who got married were present. They claim that someone went in their place with fake ID cards and got the marriage completed.


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