Fiks Fare: “600.000 EUR of decoration trees will go in vain”

30/01/2017 00:00

Top Channel’s Investigative program Fiks Fare shows that the widening of
the Tirana-Durres highway will require removing newly planted palm

The Road Authority started a project for widening the Tirana-Durres highway and making it three lanes each way, with an allowed speed up to 140 km/h.

The project started in 2015, but it doesn’t foresee palm trees or other decorating plants.

600.000 Euros were used for planting the palm trees even why institutions knew that the highway would be enlarged, and that the trees would have to be there temporary.

The Albanian Investment Fund said for “Fiks Fare” that the palm trees were ordered by the Ministry of Environment. The cost for each tree was 375 Euros, 400 were planted in total. 150.000 EUR were paid just for planting them.

The Ministry of Environment spoke for Top Channel and denied that they had ordered the Albanian Investment Fund for the Palm Trees, since the Fund is not an institution under their competences. But the Albanian Investment Fund say they even received permit from the Road Authority.

The Road Authority director, in the meanwhile, specified for Fiks Fare that the widening plan of the highway does not includes palm trees, which means that the 600.000 EUR have gone in vain.


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