Top Channel’s investigative program, “Fiks Fare”, proved this Wednesday
how the Law Faculty of Shkoder has staff members who make students pay
500 EUR for passing tests.
The student asked “Fiks Fare” for help, claiming that he didn’t have the money, that he had studied and the professor had not given him the passing grade he thought he deserved with professor Fran Qafa.
The student met in a cafe with a person who served as mediator for the professor. The mediator met with the professor and then they start negotiating the price. When the student tried to give him the money, the professor instructed him to pay the mediator only. The student is heard talking with the waiter, who says another person like him had paid the teacher 500 EUR.
This is not the first time that this professor is accused of corruption. Three years ago he was arrested and released two days later. The case was dismissed and he was returned on the job.
Top Channel