Fierza Hydropower plant damage, 400,000 EUR in two days

30/11/2017 17:46

Top Channel reported yesterday about a quantity of energy that was produced the last days of November, which was sold by the state owned Energy Corporate (KESH) to private operators EFT, GSA and HSE, without offering that energy to the other state owned company, OSHEE, which manages distributes it to consumers.

These are the private companies which sell energy to OSHEE, and the one they bought from KESH, with a lower price, will be sold to OSHEE with a higher price, making an immediate profit of several hundreds of Euros within two days.

After this news, KESH reacted through a declaration issued from the Ministry of Energy, a declaration that avoids the main question of the report, which is why the surplus energy was sold without making an offer to the OSHEE first, as the law requires. KESH only explains only the technical point of view, saying that the energy was sold to not let it go in vain after the heavy rains that were expected for this weekend.

KESH says that before today’s rains, the Fierza hydropower plant, the biggest reserve in our country, has been on its lowest historic levels and would not be able to produce reserve energy during these days. But is this true?

Top Channel has obtained a document which proves that Fierza is actually operating. This scandal with private companies goes even deeper. KESH declares that during the torrents that will continue until December 2nd, they will do everything possible to process the water into energy, while in Fierza they will not change the production regime, in order to increase the reserves.

This declaration has an untrue fact. Top Channel has obtained documents which prove that KESH has produced energy from Fiera, although this hydropower plant was on its lowest historic levels. The energy production table shows that Fierza was closed until November 27th and KESH has produced energy only from Koman and Vau i Dejes.

The water flow during this date has been 129 cubic meters persecond and the water level has raised with 30 centimeters.

But what happens two days later, when the energy is sold to private operators? The production table shows that Fierza has been operating on November 28th, producing 1700 MW of energy. As result, its water has raised with only seven centimeters, rather than 30.

The situation gets even worse the next day. On November 29th KESH has produced energy from Fierza to sell it to the there abovementioned companies with 73 EUR per MW, energy that private operators will later sell to OSHEE with 85 Euros per MW. In total, KESH has produced 5100 MW from Fierza, or 1/3rd of the energy that was sold to private operators.

This is the first time in the history of the cascade that KESH sells energy to Fierza, when the basen is at its lowest historic level, with only 368 meters. The damage is huge, firstly to the energetic situation of the country.

Albania buys 1.5 million EUR of energy each day, with citizens’ money, only to keep Fierza closed and to increase reserves. But documents show that Fierza nto only has not been closed, but it has been selling energy to private operators. The water level should have been raised with 100 centimeters, but it was raised with 15 centimeters only.

The second consequence is a financial one. The energy is sold with 95.3 EUR in the market, but KESH sold it 22 Euros cheaper. The damage caused to citizens for 15,000 MW is 330,000 EUR. If you add the capacity cost, the damage mounts up to 400,000 EUR, just for two days. 200,000 more than Top Channel reported this Wednesday.

Thirdly, by putting Fierza at work, KESH not only has not reduced the risk of wasting water, but have increased the risk by increasing the water flow in Koman and Vau I Dejes.

Top Channel

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