Fear that refugees might enter EU through Albanian sea

10/03/2016 12:20

After Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia closed their borders for
the refugees, fears are rising that Syrians might try to enter EU
through the Adriatic Sea from Albania. No signs were seen yet for a
gathering of people in the Albanian-Greek border, but the danger remains

“We must think together on the consequences that might bring the agreement between the EU and Turkey, and prepare for new scenarios that might include alternative roads”, said a high-level official from Brussels, referring to the agreement for closing the Balkan route.

The Commissioner for Enlargement, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said that the EU countries are prepared for a possible deviation of the Balkan route. According to Frontex, 8932 immigrants crossed the Albanian-Greek border in the last year, most of them Albanians.

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