“fDi Magazine” on Tirana’s Mayor: “Veliaj, pedal power to meet city’s expectations”

20/08/2018 16:36

“Erion Veliaj represents the new face that Albania wants to show to the world and the EU”, says the artiucle that fDi Magazine has dedicated to the Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, who, according to the magazine, is bringing huge change to the city.

“Being under a hot political climate, Veliaj found himself under pressure to give big results the soonest possible. This means building a new image of the city he leads, with urban innovations and with a steady implementation of usual duties, such as maintenance”, the magazine says.

“Tirana, which wasn’t very attractive before, is now listed among the 10 top tourist destinations in Europe in 2018 by the Lonely Planet, and received an award in June 2018 for the best public spaces in Europe, by the Barcelona Center for Modern Culture”, the article adds.

“Tirana is not modern, is not ancient, but it is a pleasant city. I think we have decided to be pleasant and young”, Veliaj says for the article, adding that part of his plan is to bring more bicycles and more pedestrian areas.

The city is growing with 30,000 new residents a year, a combination of internal migration and demographic growth. Tirana is one of the youngest capitals of Europe, with the average age being 27.

Veliaj says for fDi Magazine that Tirana is an attractive place not only for Albanians, for also for students coming from neighbouring countries.


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