FBI to investigate Almir Rrapo’s wealth

10/08/2011 11:50

His arrest while stepping out of the US embassy territory in Tirana, and
his extradition to USA, endlessly contested by the defense lawyers,
apparently is not enough for the US prosecution. They want to
investigate his wealth in Albania.

The US investigative authorities seek the cooperation of the Albanian Police for verifying the wealth of Almir Rrapo, former official of the Foreign Ministry, accused of many crimes in USA.

He benefited the status of the repented a few days ago, but this doesn’t cancel the process of assessing the wealth that he might had gathered while on criminal activity.

The inspectors on terrain are making the necessary verifications for discovering the wealth of Rrapo and his bank accounts.

They have searched at the Property Registration Office, the National Registration Center and second level banks, but they haven’t discovered any wealth or properties. However, the specialists add that more time is needed for making all verifications.

They also mention that many suspects of criminal activities had great quantity of wealth and property in the name of their relatives who could not justify the wealth with the declared revenues. US investigators are waiting for the verifications that will be made by Albanian homologues, who are working for giving them the needed information.

The verification of Almir Rrapo’s wealth, former official of the Foreign Ministry, comes after a recent change of the events, when he admitted most of the accusations regarding his criminal activity in US territory. Almir Rrapo has benefited this way the status of the repented criminal, by admitting the murder of Erion Shehu, the kidnapping of a person, robbing and distribution of marijuana.

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