Victory fireworks exploded in Prishtina while the former Kosovo
Liberation Army commander, Fatmir Limaj, was returning as triumphant
from the war crime accusations, after being exonerated.
The judge panel made of two international and one local judges found Limaj and his nine co-fighters innocent.
The Parliament Member of Kosovo declared that the court proved what he had said in the beginning of this process.
“First of all, I want to thank all the citizens that trusted our words in the KLA war. I want to thank the court panel that took the verdict by judging only the evidence. The media must read what I said three years and a half ago, when the process started”, Limaj declared from court.
Fatmir Limaj, Nexhmi Krasniqi, Naser Shala, Naser Krasniqi, Refki Mazreku, Arben Krasniqi, Behlul Limaj, Besim Shurdhaj, Sabit Shala and Shaban Shala were released from all charges after the Prosecution failed to prove that they had committed the crimes for what they were being charged.
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