Fatmir Kajolli: 10 years as a fugitive

10/04/2012 00:00

Fatmir Kajolli, a Fier Municipal Council for the Republican Party was
arrested by the Italian justice and sentenced with 16 years to prison in
2002, and a 160.000 EUR fine under drug traffic charges.

This decision was given by the Milano Court, while the 24 year sentence was given by the Rome Court. He was declared an international fugitive even earlier, but the order execution was realized more than 10 years after. The reason of this execution delay from the Albanian interpol has not been made public, while in the meantime, Kajolli had built his own business and he had a very well known political activity in the Fier District.

He is a municipal representative of the Republican Party, while in Fier he has been widely engaged in electoral campaigns of the majority and another left centered candidate in the local elections. His businesses have realized many of the Fier Municipality contracts for the public works, while Kajolli is mentioned as a close friend of some Ministers at the current government.

In Italy he was charged of drug traffic and participation in criminal organizations of illegal traffics. He has been sentenced twice in absence, while the Italian police had verified his involvement in this network by surveying his phone calls. He was declared wanted by the police, and after the Court of Milano decision, he has asked the repaling of an Italian court decision,  arguing that his Albanian lawyer had not given him the trial materials in Albanian.

The repeal request was made at the Eruopean Court for Human Rights. In April 2008, the Corut rejected his request and left the decision of the Italian Court in effect. This is the decision given by this European court.

The businessman and political activist is expected to face the Fier Court while waiting the documents of the Otalian state for his extradition in Italy, where he is expected to stay in prison for 40 years.

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