Father Nikolla Marku: “I am legal, I have 2500 signatures of residents”

19/04/2016 00:00

Father Nikolla Marku, the priest of the Orthodox Church at the “Castle”
neighborhood in Elbasan, reacted after the accusations of the newly
elected “Mitropolit” of Elbasan, Shpat and Librazhd. Marku is accused of
keeping the church illegally.

Father Nikolla Marku says he has been elected with 2500 signatures of the local residents, and accused the Mitropoli of Elbasan of abuse.

“Don’t try to get close to the Albanian church and orthodoxy, because the blood you want to spill will suffocate your minds and spirits. We are sorry that two other religious leaders were present when this declaration was made, the father of a Bektashi tekke and the representative of the Catholic Church in Elbasan. They were used in such a shameful way. The religious harmony does not depend on Andon or Anastas. Any effort for division in Elbasan and Albania will be punished by our devotees and by us, as church”, Father Nikolla Marku declared.

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